Monday, April 18, 2011

Second Sight - By Gary Blackwood

Second Sight was the first I read with the plot being alternate history. The main character, Joseph, lives in Washington, DC in the year 1865 as the Civil War comes to an ending. Joseph and his dad have worked countless hours to perfect a mind reading act , or second sight, in their boardinghouse when Cassandra moves in with her violent uncle. This wouldn't matter very much except Cassandra actually had second sight. She mistakes Joseph as a real clairvoyant (second sight) and she begins to confide in him her visions about something involving Lincoln. They put the pieces together and figure out ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT!! This book was good from many points. The author clearly had done his research the culture of the time setting of the book. I naturally love books with historic settings but this one really got me with the twist from the simple opposite of history you expect when you imagine a stop to Lincolns assassination. Meaning that the ending is not what you would expect. I really felt the settings and related to Joseph who likes to read alot and reads several books through the story. If you read this don't start to freak out about the beginning, for the author makes you aware that he is the narrator. That made the book seem kind of like the fortune telling clips you see in movies as the author said he would take us to a time and a capital different from the one some hundred years in the future. Throughout the entire book the author refers to tools he uses in the book and his presence made me love this book all the more. Joseph and Cassandra definitely change alot during the course of this book and I recommend this book to you.

P.S. This is my first review and this has helped me find a better way to format the rest of my reviews so just read the next when it is posted to find out how I will make all my reviews.

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